Taxi companies in Novalja (Pag Island), Croatia and their phone numbers:
Here are some taxi services in Novalja and Pag Island along with their contact numbers:
- 1. Taxi Ivica
– Phone: +385 91 154 8016 - 2. Taxi Novalja
– Phone: +385 91 923 2940 - 3. Taxi Dalmatino
– Phone: +385 91 111 1444 - 4. Taxi Service Pag
– Phone: +385 91 579 8887 - 5. Taxi Navis
– Phone: +385 91 262 0095 - 6. Taxi Vito
– Phone: +385 91 525 8816 - 7. Taxi Mate
– Phone: +385 98 912 6111 - 8. Taxi Božo
– Phone: +385 98 739 332
These services can help you with transportation needs around Novalja and Pag Island. But if you are looking for a taxi between Novalja and Split Airport, there is a better option: Contact Split Drivers and check the price of the private airport transfer.
Tourists in Novalja also ask:
Q: Are there Uber or Bolt available in Novalja?
A: Yes, they are both available throughout Pag Island, but their rates are the same as those of other taxi service providers.
Q: Can I book a taxi from Novalja to Split Airport?
A: Yes, you can book a premium taxi transfer with our limo service from Split at a fixed price.